For the deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened and deaf disabled community.
DRC can help you if you need help with your legal rights including: 1) The alerts not being accessible. 2) If you go to a shelter or evacuation site and it is not accessible. 3) If your service or emotional support animal is not allowed in a shelter with you. 4) If you need access to medicine or equipment that you did not bring with you and have questions about how to get it.
Need assistance with your bill, medical condition or house? Good news, Cal Gas has a few Customer Assistance Programs available to help with your needs!
If you’re looking for financial relief, take a moment to see which SoCalGas assistance program offers the best option for you.
Si está buscando apoyo económico, tómese un momento para averiguar qué programa de asistencia de SoCalGas le ofrece la mejor opción.
There are many ways to save money and conserve energy, SoCalGas can help you find a solution to help you lower your bill.
Hay muchas formas de ahorrar dinero y conservar energía; SoCalGas puede ayudarlo a encontrar una solución que le permita reducir su factura.
Find out how SoCalGas can help you lower your natural gas bill through their customer assistance programs.
Descubra cómo SoCalGas puede ayudarlo a reducir su factura de gas natural a través de sus programas de asistencia al cliente
Land acknowledgment is a traditional custom that dates back centuries in many Native nations and communities. Today, land acknowledgments are used by Native Peoples and non-Natives to recognize Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands on which we now live.
At Friends of the Inyo, we work to protect and care for lands that have been, for over ten thousand years, and still very much are, inhabited by the Paiute (Nuumu), Shoshone (Newe) and Timbisha peoples. Many of these lands are now known by names recognizing people who never set foot here. These lands are called Payahuunadu or Panawe by the Nuumu and Newe peoples, respectively. This land acknowledgment is a recognition of the original inhabitants of the Eastern Sierra, and is intended as a show of respect for Native peoples and to surface the often-suppressed colonial history of our country.
We would like to begin by respectfully acknowledging that the Town of Mono resides within the traditional territory and ancestral lands of the Tionontati (Petun), Attawandaron (Neutral), Haudenosaunee (Six Nations), and Anishinaabe peoples.
We also acknowledge that the Town of Mono resides within the treaty lands named under Treaty 18: the Nottawasaga Purchase of 1818;
These traditional territories upon which we live and learn, are steeped in rich Indigenous history and traditions. It is with this statement that we declare to honour and respect the past and present connection of Indigenous peoples with this land, its waterways and resources.
Riverside County: We would like to respectfully acknowledge and recognize our responsibility to the original and current caretakers of its land, water, and air:
San Bernardino County: We would like to respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory and homelands of:
For more information please go to
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