CSUN has established November 30, 2012 as the absolute deadline for prospective students to apply to CSUN for Fall 2013.  Applications can be done on line at www.csun.edu/ncod.  If you have questions or need more information, please do contact me at roz.rosen@csun.edu or one of our advisors – aileen.rolon@csun.edu or robert.sidansky@csun.edu.

Whether or not the students have decided on which college to attend, it is strongly encouraged that they apply to CSUN as well as other colleges, to keep their options open.  CSUN is a premiere program, fully accredited, with highly qualified faculty/staff, enthusiastic students and cutting edge curriculum; CSUN is a place where learning occurs 24/7.

Please do share this with your career/college counselors and your college-bound students.

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