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City Facilities Closed to Public Access
As a safety measure and to reduce potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), Victorville City Hall and several of our City facilities are closed to public access effective March 16 – March 30. During this closure, City employees will continue to work and carry out the essential functions of our City such as public safety, water and sewer, customer service and more.
Please take advantage of our phone and online customer service options to pay your bills, submit plans and business license applications and much more.
Current Facility Closures:
-Victorville City Hall
-Victorville City Library
-Victorville Animal Care & Control
-Hook Community Center
-Sunset Ridge Community Building
-McArt Yard
-Victorville Activities Center
-Doris Davies BEARS Den
-Westwinds Activities Center & Westwinds Sports Center
-Southern California Logistics Airport Offices
-Water Yards
Remote/Online Customer Service Options
We offer convenient options for you to conduct business with us and process transactions remotely such as online and by-phone payment options. Please consider using these systems:
· 24-Hour Access by Internet: www.VictorvilleCA.gov
· Utility Bill Pay-By-Phone (available 24/7): (760) 955-5001
The City has several options available to ensure our customers are safe and compliant with State mandated social distancing while paying your utility bills.
- Pay your bill online via the City’s website at: www.victorvilleca.gov/i-want-to-
- Pay your bill over the phone by calling: (760) 955-5001 and follow the instructions given
- Pay your bill by dropping it off at City Hall and utilize our drop-box available at the double door entrance to City Hall. Staff will be monitoring the drop-box every hour for bill payment processing.
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