The CDC has approved COVID-19 vaccines for young children, from 6 months old and up!
Video Transcript:
(Community Advocate Joanna signs in front of blue-pink gradient background and GLAD, OCDEAF, TCGLAD, BGLAD, CODIE logos in top right corner. On top left corner, text “COVID-19 Vaccines are now available for ages 6 months and up!” with CDC logo.)
The CDC has approved COVID-19 vaccines for young children, from 6 months old and up!
(Graphic of doctor vaccinating young child with text “Approved for children 6 months – 17 years old: Pfizer, Moderna”)
Only two COVID-19 vaccines are approved for children: Pfizer and Moderna. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is not approved for children. It is only for people over age 18.
Pfizer and Moderna have different age groups and timelines for full vaccination. The vaccine for young children is a lower dose than older age groups.
If you choose Pfizer, getting fully vaccinated means 3 doses for children from 6 months to 4 years old. After first dose, wait between 3-8 weeks to get a second dose. After second dose, wait at least 8 weeks to get the last third dose.
If you choose Moderna, getting fully vaccinated means 2 doses for children from 6 months to 5 years old. After the first dose, wait 4 to 8 weeks then get the second and last dose.
(Graphic of doctor vaccinating one child with two other children sitting on bench waiting)
When your child gets the vaccine, they will be observed for a short time to make sure there is no allergic reaction. If there us an allergic reaction, staff there are prepared to quickly treat it.
After vaccination, your child may get some side effects, similar to those seen in adults and after children’s routine vaccines.
The vaccine can be given either in the arm or thigh. That area could get redness, swelling, or pain. Also may get swollen lymph nodes, a fever, chills, headache, irritability or crying, feeling tired, and loss of appetite. These side effects should go away in a couple of days. Not everyone will get side effects. Side effects are normal and a sign that the body is building immunity.
COVID-19 vaccines are free and offered at many locations. Be sure to pick a location that can offer the vaccine for your child’s age.
If you need more information or support, please contact us!
(Joanna fades out, all agency contact info appears)

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