September is Deaf Awareness Month!
Join GLAD, CODIE, BGLAD, TCGLAD and OC DEAF for celebrating and embracing our deaf heritage, language and culture just in time for Deaf Awareness Month.
In the United States, approximately 30 million people (1 out of 8) over age 12 have hearing loss in both ears. About 2 children of every 1,000 in the United States are born with a degree of hearing loss in one or both ears. However, it is more than just hearing loss — we have our own culture, language and history that makes up Deaf Awareness Month.
Stay tuned for upcoming series of inspirational stories from GLAD, CODIE, BGLAD, TCGLAD and OC DEAF by honoring Deaf Awareness Month.
#GLADeaf #CODIEDeaf #BGLADeaf #TCGLADeaf #OCDEAF #DeafAwarenessMonth2023
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