Open Caption Movies at AMC DINE-IN Ontario mIlls 30 has been updated. *The open caption movie schedule for these dates may be subject to change*:
The Exorcism
Fri, June 21 @ 11:35 am
I am: Celine Dion
Fri, June 21 @ 3:20 pm
Fri, June 21 @ 5:15 pm
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#DEAFCALCommunityPosting is for informational purposes only. Inclusion of any events or activities does not constitute sponsorship or endorsement. –#codiedeaf
#DINEINONTARIO #opencaption #opencaptionmovies #AMCTheatres #codiedeaf #AMC
[Post Description:
Three columns at the top row in solid color banner:
“AMC Theatres”: in the first column
Second column
“DINE-IN Ontario Mills 30”
Third Column: “4549 Mills Circle, Ontario, CA 91764”
Fourth Column: “; The best place for the latest open caption movies!”
Next row,
The Exorcism, I am: Celine Dion, and Thelma movie posters.
-end of Post Description]
Views: 3