Attention Victorville residents and those in nearby areas! CODIE is excited to present a Scam Workshop at the Cafeteria located at Victor Valley College on Saturday, February 24th at 3 pm. We kindly request that you RSVP by contacting us at, videophone: 951-801-5674, or voice: 951-275-5000. We look forward to seeing you there!
[Image description: White background: “CODIE presents” in black font.
Gray/Blue background: “SCAM WORKSHOP” in white font.
White background: “For residents of Victorville and nearby areas”.
An image of a bronze welcome sign with an etching of 66 Old Route on the left side and “VICTORVILLE” on the right side.
Tan background: “Saturday, February 24, 2024 @ 3:00 pm” in black font.
Gray/Blue background: “Victor Valley College, Meet at the Cafeteria, 18422 Bear Valley Road, Victorville, CA 92395”.
Tan background with a circled image of a hand clicking the hang-up button of an incoming scam call. “How to recognize scams? How to identify Third Party Broker Scam? and how to identify secure emails?” in black fonts.
White background: “RSVP at:” in black and bold fonts. An icon of email: An icon of video chat: “951-801-5674”. An icon of phone: “951-275-5000”. CODIE logo at the bottom right.]
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