URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF: Calls and E-mails Needed NOW to Support the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This is an important treaty for our community and we need members of our community to write to their Senators urging them to ratify the CRPD now. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has scheduled a markup and vote on for Thursday, July 26th at 9:30 AM on Capitol Hill. Last week’s warm reception in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was excellent for supporters of the CRPD, but it also provoked a storm of calls from the opposition led by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association and Rick Santorum, spurred on by inaccurate statements. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW, MORE THAN EVER.
Two reasons why we need your support for CRPD:
1. The CRPD recognizes sign language and deaf culture as human rights, and includes language such as “deaf culture”,
“linguistic identity”, and “deaf community.”
2. The United States is currently excluded from the International Committee formed to enforce the requirements of
the CRPD throughout the world. If the CRPD is ratified in the U.S., the U.S. will be able to join the global community in
efforts to promote, protect, and ensure full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all
persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
Read more about the NADʼs support of the CRPD, and why you need to take action TODAY.
There are 3 easy things you can do TODAY to help support the ratification of CRPD.
1. E-mail or call your Senator RIGHT NOW. Hereʼs a sample message you can copy and paste.
RE: Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Hello, my name is [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE].
I stand with the National Association of the Deaf, among several other organizations and advocates, in my strong support of
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. I am writing to you today to urge you to support the ratification of
the CRPD. As your constituent, I request that you support the CRPD at the Committee meeting on July 26th, vote in favor of
the treaty in Committee, and move it forward to a floor vote in the Senate.
Thank you,
2. Forward this message to everyone you know RIGHT NOW. Tell them to stand with the National Association of the Deaf
and to contact their Senators to encourage the ratification of the CRPD. Think family members, co-workers, friends-
3. Near the District, or know someone who lives in the DC area? Sure you do! Tell them to show up at the Committee
meeting this Thursday to support CRPD. We need your help and weʼll see you there!
Date & Time:
Thursday, Jul y 26th, 9:30AM
Dirksen Senate Office Building, G-50
Visit www.nad.org for additional information
To SUPPORT by sign in here:
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